Ocarina licence update to GPLv3 + runtime exception June 17, 2015.

Ocarina license has been updated to GPLv3 plus runtime exception. This update retains the principle of the GMGPL, while being more readable to partners.

Summer of Code in Space 2015 March 15, 2015.

Ocarina is part of the TASTE project since its inspection http://taste.tuxfamily.org/. The project helped defining first its Ada runtime, then its C variant.

As part of the SOCIS initiative, we propose the following projects:

  • Performance analysis of the PolyORB-HI/C runtime. The objective is to propose relevant benchmarks to exercise the runtime, in particular memory footprint, performance, useless copies of data, etc.

  • Code quality review of the PolyORB-HI/C runtime. Apply code quality analysis tool to detect dangerous conditions (inconsistent usage of pointers) or bad quality style.

  • Provide improvements in the general architecture of the PolyORB-HI/C runtime to ease the support of new Operating System, without neglecting code quality.

These projects require advanced knowledge in C and RTOS, and the will to learn AADL, the core of the TASTE toolchain.

If you are interested in participating as a student, please contact: hugues ( dot ) jerome ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com

Ocarina's documentation now on readthedocs.org March 6, 2015.

Ocarina’s documentation is now hosted on readthedocs.org, see http://ocarina.readthedocs.org/ for details.


Blog post @ SEI October 6, 2014.

The SEI blog has a series of post on AADL. Joint research activities on leveraging both SPARK2014 and AADL got featured in the post “Code Generation with AADL: A State-of-the-Art Report”, see the following link for more details: SEI blog post

AADL tutorial at MODELS'14, in Valencia Spain September 28, 2014.

Frank Singhoff and I will give a tutorial on AADLv2 at MODELS Conference, scheduled on September 28, 2014.

See the following link for more details MODELS’14 site, and of course register.

NEW Tutorial materials are at the end of the page


The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) is an SAE International Standard dedicated to the precise modeling of complex real - time embedded systems, covering both hardware and software concerns. Its definition relies on a precise set of concepts inherited from industry and academics best practices: clear separation of concerns among layers, rich set of properties to document system metrics and support for many kind of analysis: scheduling, safety and reliability, performance, but also code generation.

In this tutorial, we provide an overview of AADLv2 and illustrate how several analyses can be combined on an illustrative example: a radar platform. In this tutorial, we also present Model-based engineering process allowed by AADL to both verify and implement automatically areal-time embedded system.

The tutorial will be composed of four parts.

Part 1 will be an introduction to AADLv2 core. In this part we will present the syntax and semantics of the AADL.

Part 2 will introduce the radar case study to illustrate the use of AADL.

Part 3 will address scheduling analysis. We will introduce real-time scheduling theory and who it can be used to access schedulability of AADL models.Finally,

Part 4 will be dedicated to code generation. We will present how to generate code from an AADL model and how it can be run

Materials NEW